In Body Supremacy, author Robin Phipps Woodall expands on her first book, Thin Supremacy, and her second book, Diet Supremacy, to describe how these narcissistic belief systems combine to form the foundation for an eating disorder to develop. From the perspective of her own amazing recovery, Woodall presents a discussion about eating disorders as a psychological syndrome stemming from mechanisms of survival. A person suffering with an eating disorder is fighting to survive, even though her defense mechanisms are in fact killing her.
This book would interest a reader who wants to study and understand a different point of view for why people hold themselves hostage inside the darkness of an eating disorder. If you are studying eating disorder, work with people who suffer inside the darkness of an eating disorder, or are suffering yourself, this most-informative book was written for you.
To the Reader: Before You Start…To start, the content of this book is meant for readers who want to get a deeper look into eating disorders—and from a different perspective. The way I look at eating disorders isn’t as an “expert.” I do not have the education and appropriate study to claim such a title. With that said, the way I look at eating disorders is from the perspective of a person who has suffered directly while being inside the insanity of one, but also from the vantage point of someone who’s experienced complete and instantaneous relief with a full and total recovery.
I am not an eating disorder expert, but I am a direct witness of what it feels like, how the mind works in it, and what it took to escape.
In this book, I will not be presenting the specific details of what defines an eating disorder. This information can be found in other books, online, and with psychiatric professionals that more fully grasp the specific symptoms that differentiate one disorder from another. I will be discussing the aspects of eating disorders that, from my perspective, not only brought on the greatest severity of suffering, but were also the most important when it came to my recovery.
I will be presenting an idea that looks at eating disorders—viewing them as a syndrome—and in doing so will be examining information that might not be of interest to these people: 1) those who don’t suffer from these horrible limitations, 2) who don’t know someone suffering with these issues, or 3) who don’t help others who are in agony trying to recover.
This book would be of interest to a reader who wants to study and understand the twisted mindset of people holding themselves hostage inside the darkness of an eating disorder. You’ll learn what keeps them delusional about what defines safety and danger. This is for readers who want to understand why people would clutch onto something that is killing them—and do so with their entire identity and purpose in life.
If you as the reader are looking for something more lighthearted to read, the entire Thin-Supremacy series is not for you. If you’re looking to study and better understand the complex issues that underly body image, emotional eating, obsessive dieting, disordered eating, and eating disorders—this series of books might be what you’re looking for.
Chapter 1
The Terror Inside an Eating Disorder
Chapter 2
Evolutionary Psychology and Maslow’s Lower Hierarchy of Survival Needs
Chapter 3
The Lower States of Consciousness and Survival Mode
Chapter 4
Narcissistic Survival Mode
Chapter 5
Grandiose Narcissism, Co-Narcissism, and Eating Disorders
Chapter 6
Survival Mode for the Privileged
Chapter 7
Trauma Bonding and Stockholm Syndrome
Chapter 8
Superior Syndrome—When Narcissistic Body and Diet Images Combine
Chapter 9
Trapped Inside Body-Diet Supremacy Syndrome
Chapter 10
Defending the Disorder and Fighting to Stay Captive
Chapter 11
Leaving Safety and Control for the Vulnerability of Freedom
Chapter 12
Hope, Hope, and More Hope